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Registration & Enrollment

Registration Forms 

Please click here to register your child. Registration forms are due by June 4th.

District Registration Form

Once you have completed the online portion of the registration,  a hard copy of the following forms need to be brought into the office

Fee Waiver Information


Schools are now enrolling Kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 school year. If you have a child (or know one) that will turn five years old before September 1, 2025, please make sure to complete enrollment as soon as possible. There are two Kindergarten enrollment schedule choices for the upcoming school year. If you haven’t already communicated your preference to your boundary school you can indicate your preference in Skyward when you enroll your student for kindergarten. Below is an explanation of the options.

Full-Day Schedule

Students attending full-day kindergarten will follow a schedule similar to the other grades in the school. They will receive instruction on the state-approved standards in all subjects.

Half-Day Schedule

Students attending a half-day kindergarten class will attend school for part of the day, as determined by individual schools, based on the designated kindergarten hours. Instruction will prioritize the state-approved standards for the subject areas of English language arts and mathematics as required by R277-730. Students enrolled in a half-day class may not have the option to change to a full-day class unless there is space available. A minimum enrollment expectation is required to carry this class. The registration deadline for this half-day class is Sunday, April 13, 2025. If you register for this class and it does not meet the minimum enrollment requirement, you will be notified after the priority registration deadline that you may need to be enrolled in a full-day class with a half-day option.

Full-Day Class assignment with a Half-Day schedule

Parents who prefer a half-day kindergarten schedule for their student, even if the school does not offer a half-day class option, may be assigned to a full-day class. Students attending a full-day kindergarten class with a half-day schedule option will attend school for part of the day as determined by individual schools. Your child will receive instruction that prioritizes the state-approved standards for the subject areas of English language arts and mathematics as required by R277-730. Parents of students enrolled in a full-day class, with the half-day option, may choose to increase to a full-day of instruction.

When you complete the enrollment process in Skyward you will be given a drop-down menu in which you can select your preference for a Full-Day or Half-Day Kindergarten schedule. Please remember that the deadline for priority enrollment in a half-day class option is Sunday, April 13, 2025 and availability will be based on a minimum enrollment requirement. If you have already completed kindergarten registration for your child, no further action is required. However, your school may contact you to verify your enrollment preference. 

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school.


Preschool Registration Information

Here is information for the 2022-23 Preschool Registration:


Who: Preschool age students 

When: Monday February 28th at 8:00 a.m. 

Registration Information

  • If your child turns 5 on or before September 1, 2022 they can not enroll in Preschool.
  •  $40 non-refundable registration fee
  • Tuition will be $100 per month
  • New students will need to provide:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Current Immunization Records or Exemption Form
    • Proof or address
    • Photo ID
Any questions please call our office 801-567-8510.